About me

  • I am currently the fourth year PhD student in the school of computer science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, advised by Dr. Ke (Adam) Zhou.
  • I received my master’s and bachelor’s degree in computer science both from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China.
  • My research interests and expertise lie in mobile computing, data mining, applied machine learning, behaviour learning, user modelling and recommender systems. Specifically, my PhD project is mainly about inferring users’ needs and tasks from app usage interactions based on a large-scale dataset that covers more than 12K anonymous users and 1.3 million log events.

Recent News

  • 04/2021: Our paper “What and How long: Prediction of Mobile App Engagement” is accepted by ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) arXiv.
  • 07/2020: Received the SIGIR Student Travel Grant and attended the SIGIR 2020. Presented our work “Identifying Tasks from Mobile App Usage Patterns” on the conference.
  • 07/2020: Attended the UMAP 2020 and presented our work “Cohort Modeling Based App Category Usage Prediction” on the conference.
  • 05/2020: Our paper “Identifying Tasks from Mobile App Usage Patterns” is accepted by ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’20). PDF
  • 03/2020: Our paper “Cohort Modeling Based App Category Usage Prediction” is accepted by ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP’20). PDF